Monday, July 7, 2008

One hundred pushup challenge

So the question is:

Are you in, or are you in?

We were just challenged to this 6 week program so I'd thought I'd reciprocate the challenge to those that are up for a push up or two.


Both Charise and I are doing it so unless you have a better excuse than "I just had a baby 5 weeks ago." I don't want to hear it.

Remember, action brings on motivation, not vica-versa.

Feel free to respond with the affirmative "I'm in" so we know who to hold accountable, and who to dismiss as slackers.


Eric said...

I'm in! :)

A-me said...

LL and I are soooo in! :)

margo said...

I'm in too!

Tennille said...

First of all, Charse--I finally remembered to add your blog to my list! Sorry it took so long! Okay, so now on to the pushups. You've always been a fitness inspiration to me, so here goes. I'm in. BTW--I'm running in a 10K this weekend. Wish me luck! This is a first for me.

ReeSe said...

Yeah Tennille!! My bro was the one to get me to do this challenge so I owe it to him, but I'm glad I can inspire someone :) Good luck on the 10K...that's awesome!

Billy and Megan said...

Dean was telling me about this at softball tonight. I figured if Dean could do it.... Now that I have read that Charise is in as well I have to participate. Count me in.