So I didn't reach my goal in playing "catch up" before we moved! Onto the present so you all can keep tabs on us. We have had a whirlwind last few months. We put our house on the market in April and had an offer the first weekend! A big surprise, and seemed too good to be true. Turned out we had a 2nd offer on our house a couple days later. Crazy! We accepted the best of the two offers and prepared to move the end of May. Inspection day on the house didn't fair so well. He found water in our crawl space due to the hose bib cracking over the winter and now was leaking water down in there. Not good. :( We jumped on it, contacted a restoration crew to clean it all, and dry it up. Crisis averted. Not so much, the buyers bailed and so we were back to square one with listing our house again. We listed again and had another buyer put an offer in within a few days The second people also came back and offered again. We accepted the better of the two and now our move date was towards the end of June. Even better for us! Except we still didn't have a place to move to in Yakima. I'd been checking everyday for new rentals or places we could live. Nothing was panning out. Out of the blue someone I had contacted earlier messaged me and said their place was still available. We just about took it on the spot! We hadn't even seen the place, but knew we had to get it. The timing of it all was perfect and we were truly blessed in how it all went down.
The mini "pods" that we loaded up (7 total) |
Since our house sold a little early we still had to find a place to live for 1.5 months. We have awesome family and friends who offered their places to stay which we took advantage of. We stayed with my brother and his family and also James' parents. We also took a vacation to Canada for a family reunion, stopped in Spokane for a few days, and then finally moved our things to our new house.
No beds for this crew! We sold all their furniture before moving. They thought it was fun to sleep on the floor for about a day. |
Our little helper! |
Can you see someone in there? |
Our home! |
The family room |
Kitchen/office/family room :) |
This will all be such a new adventure for us. James has started his classes full force and we have seen him for a total of 5 hours in the past 3 days. Oy vey. This is only the beginning. Hopefully we can all survive each other. James is hoping he doesn't come home some day and find that I shipped off CJ to boarding school. It's a joke.