Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So the girls could probably care less about their hair, but having an OCD Mom about nice hair and clean clothes, they let me have my fix :) I ran across a sweet blog with all kinds of rad hair-do's. Turned out cute. Of course, Little A had hers pulled out by the end of the day, but I enjoyed it while I could.

Have to document CJ's sweet hair too! He's got a little curl in it and it's fun to spike up (what he does have).

Little A took this picture. She's OCD when it comes to the camera. She's got to turn it on and take a picture of everything when the camera comes out. :) Good thing it's digital!

Oh and now Little A's new hair cut. Trying to make it a little easier to do so she doesn't always pull out my masterpieces!

Another pic by Little A!


Billy and Megan said...

So cute- I love that blog. I was hoping to see the pic of CJ with the bow in his hair!!!

ReeSe said...

Shoot, I looked at the pics and they were horribly fuzzy from my camera phone. Don't worry..I'm sure they'll be more! :)

Unknown said...

love that style with all the blows and I too wish the hair would stay in place and not get pulled by little brother--it's terrible to look at after you've spent so much time on it.